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- Transform Your Career with GratitudeWhen it comes to career growth, we often focus on strategy, skills, and networking. But one of the most overlooked tools for success is something much simpler: gratitude.Practicing gratitude isn’t just about saying thank you—it’s about cultivating an ...
- How to Survive a Toxic Boss: Thriving Until It’s Time to Move OnDealing with a toxic boss is emotionally and professionally draining. Whether you’re staying temporarily while planning your exit or simply can’t leave due to financial commitments or career goals, there are strategies to help you maintain your well-being...
- How to Ace Your Job Interview: Modern Preparation StrategiesCongratulations! You’ve landed a job interview! Now What? Gone are the days when you could wing it in a job interview without preparing. Today’s job market is competitive and it’s crucial that you take the time to research and educate yourself on the comp...
- Beating Burnout: Learn the Causes and Reclaim Your LifeWhen employees are “always on” it’s a recipe for burnout. But what’s the solution? With 77% of professionals experiencing burnout (according to a Deloitte survey), it’s time to look at the causes of burnout and what we can do to help you reclaim your life...
- Navigating the Silence: How to Handle Being Ghosted in Your Job SearchImagine you’ve had a great interview – you were vibing with your potential boss and the hiring manager and you’re waiting to hear back on an offer. Fast forward to a few weeks later and crickets…you never hear from them again. Unfortunately, this is becom...
- How to Survive a Performance Improvement PlanBeing put on a performance improvement plan, also known as a PIP, can feel like a slap in the face, especially if you didn’t see it coming. But being put on a PIP gives you a lot of power and leverage if you go into it with the right mindset. If you have ...
- Navigating the Modern Job HuntLet’s be honest, times have changed and so has the job hunt. As a Certified Career Transition Coach (CCTC), I work with a lot of people applying for jobs who haven’t searched for a job in a decade or more. What used to be a simple process of sending your ...
- How to Re-Energize Your Job SearchEnergy is my word for the year and as your career coach, it’s my job to help you harness the energy within you to set bold goals, conquer challenges, and embrace new opportunities. I thought we could talk about energy as it relates to the job search and h...
- Is the Thank You Note Dead?In today's fast-paced and digitally-driven work environment, the traditional thank you note may seem like a relic of the past, overshadowed by emails, instant messaging, and social media. However, the attention and thoughtfulness of a thank you note makes...
- Navigating Your Career During a StrikeNobody ever plans to find themselves in the midst of a strike, but it seems like it was unavoidable this year with the Writers Guild of America, SAG-AFTRA, Las Vegas Hotel and Culinary Union, and the United Auto Workers strike. Navigating your career duri...
- Closing the Gender Wage Gap: How to be Your Own AdvocateEvery year Equal Pay Day falls on March 12, which highlights the persistent gender wage gap that affects women in the workplace. What’s even more shocking is that this only covers women in general, but if you look at Black Women and Native American Women,...
- Format Your Resume for Maximum ImpactWith all the fantastic free design tools, it can be tempting to overly format your resume. We can get caught up in a visually appealing resume with photos, colors, fonts, and beautiful design. It might look great, but it won’t get you noticed (for the rig...
- How to Future-Proof Your CareerEach generation experiences innovation. The average career spans four or five decades, making it inevitable that everyone will face a new technology that will revolutionize their industry. Sometimes people get lucky and can retire before the technology ch...
- When to Use AI in Your Job SearchThere’s been a lot of buzz about using AI in your job search lately, but how do you know when to use it and when to enlist the help of a career coach? I have a lot of thoughts about this and have seen AI used well and used poorly. With any new technology,...
- A Guide to Surviving a Lay-Off: Five Steps to TakeSurviving a lay-off can be one of the most stressful moments in your life. As Americans, many of us live to work and our whole identity can be tied up with our job. When that is suddenly taken away from us, it can cause an extreme reaction. Everyone react...
- Get the Job Offer: What to Do When You Keep Getting Interviews but No OffersNobody likes rejection, especially when you’re really putting yourself out there. In a job search, there is nothing more frustrating than lining up some fantastic interviews and then not getting a job offer. You’ve spent hours planning, preparing, and hyp...
- How to Job Search for the First Time in DecadesIf you find yourself on a job search for the first time in one or two decades, there are a few things that have changed. This can be really intimidating and keep people stuck in a job they hate. While the unknown can be scary, I specialize in helping wome...
- Give Yourself Grace and Grow Your CareerEach year, I choose a word that sets the tone for my personal and professional goals. A mantra to say and live by. Last year, the word was “Alignment” and I helped my clients Find Career Alignment. This year, I’ve chosen “Grace” as my focus. I’ve focused ...
- Know Your Worth: Negotiate Your Salary with ConfidenceI recently worked with a client who was negotiating an offer for a new job. She was in the process of interviewing for two positions and when she received the offer letter from the first job, she asked me to review her counter email which included a detai...
- How to Prepare for an Annual ReviewHow did you prepare for your annual review last year? Did you stroll into the meeting unprepared? Or did you take an hour before the meeting to cram a few talking points into your memory? Instead of showing up to your annual review and waiting for your bo...
- How to Develop Your Leadership StyleOne of the dirty secrets of management is that once you get good at something, and get promoted to manager, you stop doing the thing that you were good at and start figuring out how to manage people. When this happens, most people are usually elated to ge...
- A Four-Week Guide to Updating Your ResumeUpdating your resume that hasn’t been touched for over a decade can seem like a daunting task. With this four-week guide, what once was an overwhelming task you’ve been putting off for years, is now a month away from being a resume you can be proud of....
- Surviving the First 90 Days at Your New JobCongratulations! After countless interviews, job searches, information sessions, and daunting application processes, you finally landed the job. Now, the real work begins. Surviving the first 90 days at your new job is crucial for your development and per...
- Job Search Red Flags You Shouldn’t IgnoreHindsight is 20/20. When you leave a toxic job, you can clearly see all the red flags that you either downplayed or ignored. It’s easy to replay those situations in your head and imagine what you would have done differently. As much as you may have learne...
- Work-Life Balance is a MythWork-life balance is a myth. Popularized in the 1980s, the idea of “work-life balance” was created as more women entered the workforce. The idea of balance was designed to encourage women to spend as much time at work as they did at home. You can learn mo...
- When to Hire a Career CoachOne of the hardest things to do in any career, and in life, is to be honest with yourself about your strengths and weaknesses. Getting comfortable and understanding our weaknesses is the best way to face them. Identifying areas for growth and addressing t...
- Closing the Gap: Own Your Career Break and Start FreshBereavement. Career transition. Caregiving. Full-time parenting. Gap year. Layoff/position eliminated. Health and well-being. Personal goal pursuit. Professional development. Relocation. Retirement. Travel. Voluntary work.These are all reaso...
- Face the Fear and Change Your CareerHave you ever dreamed about making a career change and doing something completely different with your life? You’re not alone. The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on employees, so much so that 50 percent of employees intend to make career ch...
- How to Find Career AlignmentInstead of setting resolutions that are destined to fail, each year I choose one word to focus on. This word serves as a guiding star for everything I do that year. I write it on a post-it note and stick it to my computer so I am reminded of my word every...
- Achieve Your Goals by Calling Your ShotCall Your ShotIn sports or pool, sometimes a player will say or point to where their shot will go before they make it. The point of this is to show your skill when you put the ball where you called it. There’s power in calling your shot. Successful pe...
- Write a Cover Letter that Packs a PunchDo You Need a Cover Letter?Times have changed and much of the job application process is done online. If you’ve suffered through electronic application processes that have you enter every detail of your career history, you might think you don’t need a...
- Self-Care Won’t Fix Your BurnoutHow many times have you been told to take a vacation or get a massage to combat your burnout? If you are chronically burnt out from work and stress, these "self-care" solutions won't fix your burnout and are at best a temporary reprieve, not a long-term f...
- International Update Your Resume MonthWhen the kids go back to school, it can be fun to reminisce about the days of getting your Trapper Keeper, highlighters, and pencils ready for a new school year. Your school days might be behind you, but you can take this opportunity to organize your care...
- Prioritize Yourself and Get Unstuck!I meet with a lot of people who are burnt out or trying to remove themselves from a toxic work environment. I want to remind you that while our jobs and careers are important, don’t forget to prioritize yourself and build activities into your routine that...
- How to Negotiate SalaryHave you heard people tell you to "never take the first offer," or "always negotiate your salary." That's great advice, but the bigger question is HOW? If you're not sure where to start, I have a few ways you can approach it: Know the going rate fo...
- Dealing with RejectionOne of the things we don't talk about enough is rejection. Whether it's losing a job you thought you loved, or not landing that potential dream job, it's never easy to accept.As you move through your career, you'll face many setbacks, but one thing that...
- Why You Should Regularly Update Your ResumeIf you're not currently job searching, what's the point of keeping your resume up-to-date? I recommend revisiting your resume on a regular basis for a number of reasons:1. Keep up with changing trends - What was once important may be a given these days ...
- Stop Cheating on Your Future with Your PastIf you’ve recently left a toxic workplace or been laid off, it’s hard not to replay these moments repeatedly. Maybe you’re blaming an old boss, employee or even yourself for past mistakes.The first step towards the future is forgiving yourself (or other...
- 5 Things To Do If You've Been FiredIf you find yourself on a performance improvement plan or can sense a firing coming, here are a few things to keep in mind as you walk into that meeting: Don't take it personally - Getting fired can be emotional, but do your best to stay calm and d...
- Setbacks Are Part of GrowthSetbacks are a normal part of growth. It's in the discomfort that we find strength and grow. I've faced a number of uncomfortable situations in my career - in the moment I wished that I didn't have to experience them, but each one taught me a valuable les...
- 3 Ways to Prepare Yourself for ManagementAs we have all experienced at some point in our career, sometimes management training is sorely lacking. If you aren’t receiving good management training in your current position, or you’re looking to prepare yourself for future management roles, here are...
- When One Door Closes, Another OpensExperiencing a layoff or getting fired can be a punch in the gut, especially if you didn't see it coming. It is hard not to feel defeated and lose self-confidence. In many cases, it can take time to stop going over and over every detail in your head.Whi...
- What Questions Should You Ask in an Interview?Have an interview coming up?Congratulations! You made it this far.In addition to prepping for answers to the questions they will ask you, you should be ready with questions for them. Almost every interview ends with, "what questions do you have for ...
- Treat Your Career Like a Bad BoyfriendAmy Poehler got it right when she said “Remember, your career is a bad boyfriend. It likes it when you don’t depend on it. It will reward you every time you don’t act needy. It will chase you if you act like other things (passion, friendship, family, long...
- Reduce Your Stress When Returning to WorkDoes the thought of returning to work in person bring you stress and anxiety? We've been isolated and/or working from home for so long that it is difficult to think about going back. If the prospect of being in the office full time is daunting, here are a...
- Be Honest with YourselfOne of the hardest things to do in any career is to be honest with yourself about your strengths and weaknesses.Getting comfortable and understanding our weaknesses is the best way to combat them. Identifying areas for growth and addressing them head-on...
- How to Work from Home and Maintain Your HealthMany of you are back to working from home...again. Maybe you love it. Maybe some of you are starting to get a little stir crazy. How do you stay healthy while stuck at home? Here are a few things I recommend:*Carve out a dedicated workspace - set up an ...
- Wednesday Wisdom: Dalai LamaBurnout is a real thing. Many of the clients I work with find themselves on the other end of burnout and they don't know how to get through it. That's the rub - you can't push through burnout - you have to take a step back, rest, and re-evaluate.If you ...
- How to Get Noticed for a Senior RoleHave you been applying for senior roles to no avail? Landing a senior role requires a different approach than you might be used to. There are a few things you can do to get noticed if you're not seeing the results you think you should:1. Focus on networ...
- Don't be Afraid to FailYou're being too hard on yourself. We all are too hard on ourselves. Failure is a part of life. We all make mistakes, stumble, and fall down. If you don't make any mistakes, you will never grow and move forward.When learning to walk, how many times does...
- Happy 6th Birthday, Sheldrake Consulting!Sheldrake Consulting turns 6 years old today!It's also my son's 13th birthday! I love that we share this special date. Six years ago, I picked my kids up from school, drove to the licensing agency, and filed paperwork to make it official....
- Why You Should Hire a Resume WriterHave you ever considered hiring a Resume Writer?How do you know if it's the right move for you? Here are a few things to consider: A Resume Writer will write a unique resume, tailored to your specific industry, talents, and value. You'll be wo...
- How to Network in a PandemicNetworking is one of the best ways to find out about potential jobs before they're posted and to get your foot in the door. But how do you network in the era of social distancing and quarantine? Here are a few tips:1. Participate in online networking ev...
- Tips for Mastering a Virtual InterviewMany companies aren't inviting employees to the office yet. But that doesn't mean that interviewing has stopped!If you're preparing for a virtual interview, you should treat it the same as an in-person interview. Just because you're at home doesn't mean...
- Resume Tips to Get YOU NoticedSeptember is #InternationalUpdateYourResumeMonth! Here are some tips and tricks to whip your resume into shape and help you stand out! Only highlight the last 10-15 years of your work experience. No need to share all the details of that college int...
- FREE RESOURCE- No Fear Job Search Webinar SeriesNo one wants to be job searching during the #covid19 #recession but that's just where we're at. To ensure that you have every tool available, Jobscan is hosting theFREE No Fear Job Search Webinar Series!What it is:15 expert career coaches are of...
- Ask me Anything- Facebook LIVE at Lunch!I will be Facebook Live at Lunch for the next 4 Wednesdays: 4/15, 22, 29, and May 6th.What do YOU want to talk about? What is your biggest struggle right now? How can I be of service?Hope to see you at 12EDT on Wednesday.No gimmicks. No sellin...
- The only way out is throughI sat down intending to share work-from-home tips and strategies. This came out instead. I'll share that other post later.The coronavirus and COVID19 changed our world in an instant. People are hurting. They're scared for their safety and their liveli...
- (Early) Black Friday SALE!The Jump Start your Jump Search Webinar was a huge hit! Thanks to all who joined in the live session.I've heard from several people that they'd like to see the replay. So, to kick-off season of giving, here it is!For just $19.99 you have unlimited...
- WEBINAR: Jumpstart your job search 11/20Earlier this week, I had an extended lunch with a friend. She and I met during a tumultuous time, for both of us. It's not an exaggeration to say that we saved each other. Her presence grounds me and her generosity gives me courage. Surviving a toxic ...
- LabelsToo direct. Honest. Aggressive.You ask too many questions. Stop rocking the boat. Why do you care so much?I've been called a lot of things. Sometimes to my face. And mostly (which is way worse) behind my back. By other women.I spent my first c...
- Great People Do Things Before They're ReadyHappy Galentine's Day!February 13th is Galentine's Day. It was made famous, maybe even started by, Leslie Knope of Parks and Recreation lure. Leslie Knope is a modern day shero: smart, ambitious, funny, and fiercely loyal. Every year on February 13th,...
- Level Up Your LinkedIn Presence in 5 Easy StepsHopefully you're already on LinkedIn. If not, you need to be. According to there are over 500 million total users, 260 million of whom log in each month. 40% of those active users log in daily and there are 61 million users who are influe...
- Show and TellWhy was show and tell so cool when you were a kid? On the surface, it’s an awkward process. Bring in a (seemingly) random thing and stand in front of the room and talk about it. The chosen item was usually something unique to you or your family. A gift yo...
- Job searching means something! But not everythingI have done a lot of job searching in my life. Some went well, others didn’t. In my years of searching and now coaching others, I've learned some important lessons. Applying for a job- new, lateral, promotion- means something. It means something, but it d...
- When you're tired, don't quit. Rest.Being a #solopreneur #smallbusinessowner is lonely sometimes. True, the successes are yours, but the "Oops, I should've done that differently" days are all yours, too. I've spent my career helping others see, and then be, their best selves. It's what I do...