I meet with a lot of people who are burnt out or trying to remove themselves from a toxic work environment. I want to remind you that while our jobs and careers are important, don’t forget to prioritize yourself and build activities into your routine that bring you joy and help you rest. For me, it’s coloring, going for walks, …
Dealing with Rejection
One of the things we don’t talk about enough is rejection. Whether it’s losing a job you thought you loved, or not landing that potential dream job, it’s never easy to accept. As you move through your career, you’ll face many setbacks, but one thing that can help you through it is having a clear vision of your long-term goal. …
Stop Cheating on Your Future with Your Past
If you’ve recently left a toxic workplace or been laid off, it’s hard not to replay these moments repeatedly. Maybe you’re blaming an old boss, employee or even yourself for past mistakes. The first step towards the future is forgiving yourself (or others) and releasing the blame. You don’t want to bring that negativity into your job search and your …
Setbacks Are Part of Growth
Setbacks are a normal part of growth. It’s in the discomfort that we find strength and grow. I’ve faced a number of uncomfortable situations in my career – in the moment I wished that I didn’t have to experience them, but each one taught me a valuable lesson and pushed me to the next level. Many clients come to me …
When One Door Closes, Another Opens
Experiencing a layoff or getting fired can be a punch in the gut, especially if you didn’t see it coming. It is hard not to feel defeated and lose self-confidence. In many cases, it can take time to stop going over and over every detail in your head. While I believe that you can learn something about yourself from every …
Treat Your Career Like a Bad Boyfriend
Amy Poehler got it right when she said “Remember, your career is a bad boyfriend. It likes it when you don’t depend on it. It will reward you every time you don’t act needy. It will chase you if you act like other things (passion, friendship, family, longevity) are more important to you. If your career is a bad boyfriend, …
Be Honest with Yourself
One of the hardest things to do in any career is to be honest with yourself about your strengths and weaknesses. Getting comfortable and understanding our weaknesses is the best way to combat them. Identifying areas for growth and addressing them head-on is a great way to clear your path to success. Sometimes you need a coach to help you …
Wednesday Wisdom: Dalai Lama
Burnout is a real thing. Many of the clients I work with find themselves on the other end of burnout and they don’t know how to get through it. That’s the rub – you can’t push through burnout – you have to take a step back, rest, and re-evaluate. If you are burnt out at work or burnt out from …
Show and Tell
Why was show and tell so cool when you were a kid? On the surface, it’s an awkward process. Bring in a (seemingly) random thing and stand in front of the room and talk about it. The chosen item was usually something unique to you or your family. A gift you just received, or something you had saved or waited …
When you’re tired, don’t quit. Rest.
Being a #solopreneur #smallbusinessowner is lonely sometimes. True, the successes are yours, but the “Oops, I should’ve done that differently” days are all yours, too. I’ve spent my career helping others see, and then be, their best selves. It’s what I do. I do it well and I love it. (Any #Strengths gurus out there? #Activator is my #4.) But, …