Being put on a performance improvement plan, also known as a PIP, can feel like a slap in the face, especially if you didn’t see it coming. But being put on a PIP gives you a lot of power and leverage if you go into it with the right mindset. If you have been put on a PIP, I’m going …
A Guide to Surviving a Lay-Off: Five Steps to Take
Surviving a lay-off can be one of the most stressful moments in your life. As Americans, many of us live to work and our whole identity can be tied up with our job. When that is suddenly taken away from us, it can cause an extreme reaction. Everyone reacts differently to a lay-off and this can end up being one …
5 Things To Do If You’ve Been Fired
If you find yourself on a performance improvement plan or can sense a firing coming, here are a few things to keep in mind as you walk into that meeting: Don’t take it personally – Getting fired can be emotional, but do your best to stay calm and detach yourself from the situation. Once they’ve said their piece, you can …
When One Door Closes, Another Opens
Experiencing a layoff or getting fired can be a punch in the gut, especially if you didn’t see it coming. It is hard not to feel defeated and lose self-confidence. In many cases, it can take time to stop going over and over every detail in your head. While I believe that you can learn something about yourself from every …